If the neighbors complain about the problem

Peaceful neighborhood is quite an important part of happy property management. Sometimes different things happen while managing the rental business, including the neighbor's complaints, and then you, as a host, should deal with it anyway.

The happy neighborhood is built on three pillars: communication, control and prevention. So, let's examine these items more closely and see what could be done exactly to smooth things over and to mend fences as quickly as possible. 

  • Transparent communication 

Start your neighborhood talk with a small gift as mutual reconciliation (small chocolate box or fruit basket, etc.). Then clear up the situation that brought complaints and discuss what should be done to make comfortable living for both sides. For example, if it concerns the loud noise, then you should talk with neighbors and decide together the time limit, then write the silence time item in your host's rules, based on the neighbors' requests and chosen as the compromise. 

Then you should have a talk with your guests and tell them about the situation and new measurements that were discussed with your neighbors. 

  • Management control tools

There are many ways for management control that can simplify your host's property processes. Try to invest in such tools for your guests' and neighbors' comfort. Different indicators, sensors and detectors can send you information online in real-time mode wherever you are. Taking the noise problem as an example, you can buy some noise aware devices and be sure that guests strictly follow your requests.

  • Possible prevention 

To prevent neighbors' complaints you, as host, should think step ahead. 

Firstly, before the bookings' confirmation, examine all available info about your guests (host's reviews, social media accounts, guests' previous feedback info to know about their travel experience). All this can protect you from future bad guests' behavior and asocial people. 

Review the host's rules and correct them if necessary: limit the maximum number of guests, specify the possible check-in and check-out time period (not to bother neighbors at night, for example, especially when they have a barking watchdog). Also you can strictly ban different kinds of event parties for short-term guests. 

To manage the property in the best way, implement all the neighbors requirements and your mutual compromises in your rule list. That will help you to create a great neighbors' relationship and smartly lead your rental business. 

And if you don't have enough management organization experience or time for it, contact us, please! We are always happy to help you with all property management processes. 


Three simple steps

  • Answer the simple questions below and get a calculation of your property’s profitability
  • Talk to our Manager to clarify the details of cooperation and sign a contract
  • Get more guests and earn more with pleasure
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