Marketing tips for making property noticeable

You can have the most amazing vacation rental property, but it doesn't matter, if nobody knows about it. Here are several marketing steps to get your property seen easily. 

  • Care for professional photos

To make your property look best, invest in high quality photos. Hire professionals and make photos not only of your property, but also the surrounding areas. 

  • Descriptive texts 

Don't write the simple list of features, but make it alive through the descriptive texts, creating a story of your home. 

  • Work thoroughly with feedback

Positive online guests' reviews are crucial for bookings. Ask your guests to leave their feedback. Always respond and work with negative reviews too, willingly with empathy trying to make things right. 

  • Discounts and special offers 

Attract potential guests with the appealing offers and discounts, especially during low season. Think about referral strategy for newbies and returning guests or their relatives and friends.

  • Get local partnership 

Partner with local businesses to offer guests best service, activities or restaurants in the area. You can also collaborate with local tour companies. 

  • Use social media platforms 

Social media promotion is a necessary tool nowadays. Share videos, photos, news and updates. Create different UX-researches to know your guests' needs. Talk with your subscribers and respond to questions. 

  • Apply email-marketing strategy 

Email marketing is another effective strategy to attract and retain guests. This low-cost tool allows quickly to build target campaigns, to personalize messages and provides measurable and trackable results. 

  • Build competitive pricing 

Travelers faced with alike choices naturally consider the price factor. So keep an eye on the rental market in your area and use the dynamic pricing strategy accounting seasonality. 

  • Website optimization 

The site must be optimized for search engines. Include relevant keywords in your content, meta descriptions and header tags. Also take care for mobile-friendly mode as the most guests use smartphones, searching vacation rental places. 

Following these easy tips, you can increase your chances of getting the property seen, booked and enjoyed by guests. 

For more ideas read other articles on our blog

And if you need any help with the property management processes, contact us! Our team is on standby to assist you with all aspects of rental business management.


Three simple steps

  • Answer the simple questions below and get a calculation of your property’s profitability
  • Talk to our Manager to clarify the details of cooperation and sign a contract
  • Get more guests and earn more with pleasure
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