Your personal account in our system

We have an absolutely transparent system, where every host can watch 24/7 all important necessary information about the property's management processes. Every account includes such booking and financial details in live as:

  • Dashboard with actual booking info
  • Real-time financial report
  • Availability Calendar

 updated in real-time

  • Listings of property details 

Dashboard info

Here you can always find the structured latest booking information such as property and unit name, the check-in and check-out's dates and the guests' expected arrival time. Also you can get acquainted with the guests' and stay's quantities and the pay status. 

For more booking details you can also there read other extended details on the property status as booking number and the date, when the order was made, adults and children info, guests' contacts, guests' personal comments and the confirmation status of the booking. 

Financial report  

Here you may check your personal financial indicators: your starting balance (at the beginning of the selected period), booking's income in period, invoices balance in period and payments made in period. 

Also you can review a booking financial forecast, where you can see the estimated payout from each booking, and finalized financial reports below with all important details: sale prices for night (USD tariff night), owner's income (displayed in your currency) and prices (USD per night), owner's payouts Also you can get invoices info such as date, property, category, description and amount. 


Calendar contains availability information about booking dates and status in real-time mode. 

Also you can pick here the needed days and, selecting the month and dates, block them for personal use. 

For a more comfortable view, owners can use the pop-ups for a quick info check. 


Listings include summing details about the owner's property and the link for "public calendar" for quick check without the personal access to the account. 

Listings' tab contains: type, description, property photos, amenities and accommodations, booking policy, rules, location, contacts and other property information.

We try to do the best for you to get the most out of your rental business with minimal effort on your part. 


Left any questions about the property management processes? Then view our FAQ-info or contact us, please! We are always happy to help you with all property management organizations. 


Three simple steps

  • Answer the simple questions below and get a calculation of your property’s profitability
  • Talk to our Manager to clarify the details of cooperation and sign a contract
  • Get more guests and earn more with pleasure
How is your property working now?